ISSEY MIYAKE INC. is aware of the low-quality counterfeit versions of our company’s products both inside and outside Japan, including on ecommerce websites on the internet, and we are working daily to resolve this problem.
In order for our customers to use our products with peace of mind, we would like to request them to make their purchases at stores that officially carry our company’s products (including the official online store).
There is a possibility of purchasing counterfeit items at stores other than those that officially carry our company’s products, so please be very careful.
If you suspect that you purchased a counterfeit item, please directly inquire at the store where you made the purchase.
Please note that our company cannot receive inquiries regarding items that were not purchased at stores that officially carry our company’s products.
In addition, please understand in advance that we are unable to answer any requests to appraise the authenticity of items you have.
Our company will continue to severely deal with businesses that handle counterfeit items that threaten our customers’ peace of mind and security.
Our company is working daily on measures concerning low-quality counterfeit versions of our company’s products that are confirmed around the world.
From around July 2018, we have confirmed the existence of several extremely malicious, fraudulent websites around the world, centered on Asia, that aim to deceive consumers with claims of major discounts that are actually lies, sell counterfeit versions of our company’s products, and steal credit card information.
Our company is sequentially pursuing legal action against these websites, but we would like to request our customers to be very careful not to purchase counterfeit items on these fraudulent websites.
In order for our customers to use our products with peace of mind, we would like to request them to make their purchases at stores that officially carry our company’s products and through the official online store.
Our company will continue to severely deal with businesses that handle counterfeit items and fraudulent businesses that threaten our customers’ peace of mind and security.
June 30th, 2021