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Combat fake Made in Japan products
Made in Japan Organization “MIJO” is an Anti Counterfeit, Anti Piracy & Anti Fake Organization in Japan. The fraudsters trying to sell fake made in Japan product(s) are spreading around the world. Made in Japan Organization give awareness of fake made in Japan goods, and information of genuine Japanese products manufacturing in Japan. The aim of this Organization is to assess public awareness against counterfeit Made in Japan products spreading around the world.

When buying Made in Japan product online or at a physical shop, be careful to buy genuine one and not a fake product. Counterfeiters are increasingly exploiting the internet opportunities to sell fake products. Online shoppers are an easy target for all counterfeit products, including fake medicine and healthcare products.
Fake products not only stealing buyer’s hard earning money, but also serious risks to buyer’s safety and health. Awareness to identify counterfeit products is vital to protect from this growing threat of poor quality fake goods that can be very dangerous for health and safety.
The fake products are made without regard to the health and safety standards of Japan. Some consumer goods might contain harmful ingredients and toxic levels of chemicals that can result in serious health problems.
- Our website has been renewed. 2021/03/03

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- Beware of Nikko Counterfeit products
- Japanese chip inspectors battle surge of fakes in the midst of deficiency
- Japanese Government to crack down online sale of fake and faulty goods
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